
  • 职位类别:Litigation

Adam Keilen


Federal Rule of Evidence/Michigan Rule of Evidence § 408 (Compromise and Offers to Compromise) refer to the admissibility of offers to compromise; evidence of the following can’t be used by either party to prove the validity of a claim, 对先前的陈述提出质疑, 或者作为一个矛盾:

(1)家具, promising, 或者提供,或者接受, 承诺接受, or offering to accept—a valuable consideration in compromising or attempting to compromise the claim; and

(二)就赔偿请求进行妥协谈判时的行为或者陈述,但在刑事案件中提出的以及与行使职权的公职人员提出的赔偿请求有关的谈判除外, investigative, 或者执法机构.


说白了. 法院认为解决争端的提议无关紧要,因为解决提议通常是出于对和平的渴望, 希望避免昂贵的诉讼, 或者其他原因, 如商誉等. 换句话说, 和解的提议被认为是无关紧要的,因为它们的理由往往与案件的是非曲性无关. 麦考密克论证据第76条.251. 更重要的是,排除和解相关证据有助于友好解决. See 附属生产商., Inc. v. Aluminum Co. of Am., Inc., 56 F.[3d] [521, 526. (1995)(“规则408背后的政策是鼓励关于妥协的自由讨论.”). 第六巡回上诉法院更详细地解释了这一理由 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. v. 智利电力供应公司., 332 F.3d 976, 980(第6卷. 2003)

The take away. 发出的报价以 §408 are not admissible to prove the merits of a case; be sure your lawyer sends any such offer subject to the rule (note: certain exceptions apply). 当你出价的时候, be sure it is calculated and thoughtful; although the offer may not be admissible, 在实际层面上, 这可能会影响你与对手的谈判地位.

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